The Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-collapse Supernovae
Author(s): Morozova, Viktoriya; Radice, David; Burrows, Adam S.; Vartanyan, David
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Abstract: | We study gravitational waves(GWs)from a set of 2D multigroup neutrino radiation hydrodynamic simulations ofcore-collapse supernovae(CCSNe). Our goal is to systematize the current knowledge about the post-bounce CCSNGW signal and recognize the templatable features that could be used by the ground-based laser interferometers. Wedemonstrate that, starting from∼400 ms after core bounce, the dominant GW signal represents the fundamentalquadrupole(l=2)oscillation mode(f-mode)of the proto–neutron star(PNS), which can be accurately reproducedby a linear perturbation analysis of the angle-averaged PNS profile. Before that, in the time interval between∼200and∼400 ms after bounce, the dominant mode has two radial nodes and represents ag-mode. We associate thehigh-frequency noise in the GW spectrograms above the main signal withp-modes, while below the dominantfrequency there is a region with very little power. The collection of models presented here summarizes thedependence of the CCSN GW signal on the progenitor mass, equation of state, many-body corrections to theneutrino opacity, and rotation. Weak dependence of the dominant GW frequency on the progenitor mass motivatesus to provide a simplefit for it as a function of time, which can be used as a prior when looking for CCSNcandidates in the LIGO data. |
Publication Date: | Jul-2018 |
Electronic Publication Date: | 26-Jun-2018 |
Citation: | Morozova, Viktoriya, Radice, David, Burrows, Adam, Vartanyan, David. (2018). The Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-collapse Supernovae. \apj, 861 (10 - 10. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aac5f1 |
DOI: | doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aac5f1 |
Type of Material: | Journal Article |
Journal/Proceeding Title: | Astrophysical Journal |
Version: | Author's manuscript |
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