Disjoint dijoins
Author(s): Chudnovsky, Maria; Edwards, Katherine; Kim, Ringi; Scott, Alex; Seymour, Paul D.
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Abstract: | A dijoin in a digraph is a set of edges meeting every directed cut. D. R. Woodall conjectured in 1976 that if G is a digraph, and every directed cut of G has at least k edges, then there are k pairwise disjoint dijoins. This remains open, but a capacitated version is known to be false. In particular, A. Schrijver gave a digraph G and a subset S of its edge-set, such that every directed cut contains at least two edges in S, and yet there do not exist two disjoint dijoins included in S. In Schrijver's example, G is planar, and the subdigraph formed by the edges in S consists of three disjoint paths. We conjecture that when k = 2, the disconnectedness of S is crucial: more precisely, that if G is a digraph, and S is a subset of the edges of G that forms a connected subdigraph (as an undirected graph), and every directed cut of G contains at least two edges in S, then we can partition S into two dijoins. We prove this in two special cases: when G is planar, and when the subdigraph formed by the edges in S is a subdivision of a caterpillar. |
Publication Date: | Jul-2016 |
Electronic Publication Date: | 15-Apr-2016 |
Citation: | Chudnovsky, Maria, Edwards, Katherine, Kim, Ringi, Scott, Alex, Seymour, Paul. (Disjoint dijoins |
Type of Material: | Journal Article |
Journal/Proceeding Title: | Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B. |
Version: | Author's manuscript |
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