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DarkSide: Latest results and future perspectives

Author(s): Bottino, B; Agnes, P; Albuquerque, IFM; Alexander, T; Alton, AK; et al

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Abstract: DarkSide is direct-detection dark-matter experimental project based on radiopure argon. The main goal of the DarkSide program is the detection of rare nuclear elastic collisions with hypothetical dark-matter particles. The present detector, DarkSide-50, placed at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), is a dualphase time projection chamber (TPC) filled with ultra-pure liquid argon, extracted from underground sources. Surrounding the TPC to suppress the background there are neutron and muon active vetoes. One of argon key features is the capability to distinguish between electron and nuclear recoils, exploiting the different shapes of the signals. DarkSide-50 new results, obtained using a live-days exposure of 532.4 days, are presented. This analysis sets a 90% C.L. upper limit on the dark matternucleon spin-independent cross-section of 1.1 × 10-44 cm2 for a WIMP mass of 100 GeV/c2. The next phase of the project, DarkSide-20k, will be a new detector with a fiducial mass of ∼ 20 tons, equipped with cryogenic silicon photomultipliers (SiPM).
Publication Date: 31-Jan-2019
Electronic Publication Date: 31-Jan-2019
Citation: Bottino, B, Agnes, P, Albuquerque, IFM, Alexander, T, Alton, AK, Asner, DM, Ave, M, Back, HO, Batignani, G, Biery, K, Bocci, V, Bonfini, G, Bonivento, W, Bussino, S, Cadeddu, M, Cadoni, M, Calaprice, F, Caminata, A, Canci, N, Candela, A, Caravati, M, Cardenas, MM, Cariello, M, Carlini, M, Carpinelli, M, Catalanotti, S, Cataudella, V, Cavalcante, P, Cavuoti, S, Chepurnov, A, Cicalò, C, Cifarelli, L, Cocco, AG, Covone, G, D'Angelo, D, D'Incecco, M, D'Urso, D, Davini, S, De Candia, A, De Cecco, S, De Deo, M, De Filippis, G, De Rosa, G, De Vincenzi, M, Derbin, AV, Devoto, A, Di Eusanio, F, Di Pietro, G, Dionisi, C, Edkins, E, Empl, A, Fan, A, Fiorillo, G, Fomenko, K, Franco, D, Gabriele, F, Galbiati, C, Garcia Abia, P, Ghiano, C, Giagu, S, Giganti, C, Giovanetti, GK, Gorchakov, O, Goretti, AM, Granato, F, Gromov, M, Guan, M, Guardincerri, Y, Gulino, M, Hackett, BR, Herner, K, Hosseini, B, Hughes, D, Humble, P, Hungerford, EV, Ianni, A, Ippolito, V, James, I, Johnson, TN, Keeter, K, Kendziora, CL, Kochanek, I, Koh, G, Korablev, D, Korga, G, Kubankin, A, Kuss, M, La Commara, M, Lai, M, Li, X, Lissia, M, Longo, G, MacHado, AA, MacHulin, IN, Mandarano, A, Mapelli, L, Mari, SM, Maricic, J, Martoff, CJ, Messina, A. (2019). DarkSide: Latest results and future perspectives. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, 42 (4), 10.1393/ncc/i2019-19180-0
DOI: doi:10.1393/ncc/i2019-19180-0
ISSN: 2037-4909
EISSN: 1826-9885
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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