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Building blocks of topological quantum chemistry: Elementary band representations

Author(s): Cano, Jennifer; Bradlyn, Barry; Wang, Zhijun; Elcoro, L.; Vergniory, MG; et al

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Abstract: The link between chemical orbitals described by local degrees of freedom and band theory, which is defined in momentum space, was proposed by Zak several decades ago for spinless systems with and without time reversal in his theory of “elementary” band representations. In a recent paper [Bradlyn et al., Nature (London) 547, 298 (2017)] we introduced the generalization of this theory to the experimentally relevant situation of spin-orbit coupled systems with time-reversal symmetry and proved that all bands that do not transform as band representations are topological. Here we give the full details of this construction. We prove that elementary band representations are either connected as bands in the Brillouin zone and are described by localizedWannier orbitals respecting the symmetries of the lattice (including time reversal when applicable), or, if disconnected, describe topological insulators. We then show how to generate a band representation from a particular Wyckoff position and determine which Wyckoff positions generate elementary band representations for all space groups. This theory applies to spinful and spinless systems, in all dimensions, with and without time reversal. We introduce a homotopic notion of equivalence and show that it results in a finer classification of topological phases than approaches based only on the symmetry of wave functions at special points in the Brillouin zone. Utilizing a mapping of the band connectivity into a graph theory problem, we show in companion papers which Wyckoff positions can generate disconnected elementary band representations, furnishing a natural avenue for a systematic materials search.
Publication Date: 1-Jan-2018
Electronic Publication Date: 16-Jan-2018
Citation: Cano, Jennifer, Bradlyn, Barry, Wang, Zhijun, Elcoro, L, Vergniory, MG, Felser, C, Aroyo, MI, Bernevig, B Andrei. (2018). Building blocks of topological quantum chemistry: Elementary band representations. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 97, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.035139
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.035139
ISSN: 2469-9950
EISSN: 2469-9969
Pages: 035139-1 - 035139-20
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Version: Final published version. Article is made available in OAR by the publisher's permission or policy.

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