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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
3-Oct-2013Wide-baseline hair capture using strand-based refinementLuo, L; Zhang, C; Zhang, Z; Rusinkiewicz, Syzmon
28-Jul-2014P4: Programming protocol-independent packet processorsBosshart, P; Daly, D; Gibb, G; Izzard, M; McKeown, N, et al
14-Oct-2017Optimized surface code communication in superconducting quantum computersJavadi-Abhari, Ali; Gokhale, P; Holmes, A; Franklin, D; Brown, KR, et al
2015ScaffCC: Scalable compilation and analysis of quantum programsJavadi-Abhari, Ali; Patil, S; Kudrow, D; Heckey, J; Lvov, A, et al
30-Mar-2017Ten simple rules for responsible big data researchZook, M; Barocas, S; Boyd, D; Crawford, K; Keller, E, et al
3-Dec-2015Simple, Scalable Proteomic Imaging for High-Dimensional Profiling of Intact SystemsMurray, E; Cho, JH; Goodwin, D; Ku, T; Swaney, J, et al
23-Jan-2016Analogous Convergence of Sustained and Transient Inputs in Parallel On and Off Pathways for Retinal Motion ComputationGreene, MJ; Kim, JS; Seung, H. Sebastian
21-Jul-2016ZNN - A Fast and Scalable Algorithm for Training 3D Convolutional Networks on Multi-core and Many-Core Shared Memory MachinesZlateski, A; Lee, K; Seung, H. Sebastian
2014Routes for breaching and protecting genetic privacyErlich, Y; Narayanan, Arvind
19-May-2013A scanner darkly: Protecting user privacy from perceptual applicationsJana, S; Narayanan, Arvind; Shmatikov, V