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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2019Undocumented and Unwell: Legal Status and Health among Mexican MigrantsCheong, Amanda R.; Massey, Douglas S.
20-Aug-2017Thirteenth Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research: Public Education and the Social Contract: Restoring the Promise in an Age of Diversity and DivisionTienda, Marta
1-Sep-2018Intermarriage and the Lifecycle Timing of MigrationChoi, Kate H.; Tienda, Marta
1-Sep-2017Multiplying Diversity: Family Unification and the Regional Origins of Late-Age US ImmigrantsTienda, Marta
13-Jan-2013Delayed Enrollment and College Plans: Is There a Postponement Penalty?Niu, Sunny; Tienda, Marta
1-Apr-2012Test Scores, Class Rank and College Performance: Lessons for Broadening Access and Promoting SuccessNiu, Sunny X.; Tienda, Marta
Mar-2012Immigration and Status Exchange in Australia and the United StatesChoi, Kate H.; Tienda, Marta; Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Sinning, Mathias
Feb-2014Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of TimeLucas, Robert E; Moll, Benjamin
12-Mar-2018Life cycle wage growth across countriesLagakos, David; Moll, Benjamin; Porzio, Tommaso; Qian, Nancy; Schoellman, Todd
Jan-2018Apolipoprotein E, cognitive function, and cognitive decline among older Taiwanese adultsTodd, Megan; Schneper, Lisa; Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha M.; Notterman, Daniel; Ullman, Michael T., et al