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Left-Right Patterning: Breaking Symmetry to Asymmetric Morphogenesis

Author(s): Grimes, Daniel T.; Burdine, Rebecca D.

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Abstract: Vertebrates exhibit striking left-right (L-R) asymmetries in the structure and position of the internal organs. Symmetry is broken by motile cilia-generated asymmetric fluid flow, resulting in a signaling cascade - the Nodal-Pitx2 pathway - being robustly established within mesodermal tissue on the left side only. This pathway impinges upon various organ primordia to instruct their side-specific development. Recently, progress has been made in understanding both the breaking of embryonic L-R symmetry and how the Nodal-Pitx2 pathway controls lateralized cell differentiation, migration, and other aspects of cell behavior, as well as tissue-level mechanisms, that drive asymmetries in organ formation. Proper execution of asymmetric organogenesis is critical to health, making furthering our understanding of L-R development an important concern.
Publication Date: 1-Sep-2017
Citation: Grimes, Daniel T, Burdine, Rebecca D. (2017). Left-Right Patterning: Breaking Symmetry to Asymmetric Morphogenesis.. Trends in genetics : TIG, 33 (9), 616 - 628. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2017.06.004
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.tig.2017.06.004
ISSN: 0168-9525
Pages: 1 - 23
Language: eng
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Trends in genetics : TIG
Version: Author's manuscript

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