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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
10-Dec-2020High-resolution spatial and temporal measurements of particulate organic carbon flux using thorium-234 in the northeast Pacific Ocean during the EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing field campaignBuesseler, Ken O; Benitez-Nelson, Claudia R; Roca-Martí, Montserrat; Wyatt, Abigale M; Resplandy, Laure; et al
4-Dec-2020Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction of Laser-Shocked Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) to 122 GPaKim, Donghoon; Tracy, Sally J; Smith, Raymond F; Gleason, Arianna E; Bolme, Cindy A; et al
4-Dec-2020A Mg Isotopic Perspective on the Mobility of Magnesium During Serpentinization and Carbonation of the Oman Ophiolitede Obeso, Juan Carlos; Santiago Ramos, Danielle P; Higgins, John A; Kelemen, Peter B
24-Nov-2020Attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to anthropogenic forcingVillarini, Gabriele; Zhang, Wei; Quintero, Felipe; Krajewski, Witold F; Vecchi, Gabriel A
12-Nov-2020Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Cycling in the South China Sea From an Isotopic PerspectiveZhang, Run; Wang, Xingchen T; Ren, Haojia; Huang, Jie; Chen, Min; et al
10-Nov-2020Multi-physics adjoint modeling of Earth structure: combining gravimetric, seismic, and geodynamic inversionsReuber, Georg S; Simons, Frederik J
9-Nov-2020The impact of COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions on the future dynamics of endemic infectionsBaker, Rachel E; Park, Sang Woo; Yang, Wenchang; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Metcalf, C Jessica E; et al
4-Nov-2020Structure of Boron Carbide Under Laser-Based Shock- Compression at 51 GPaGlam, Benny; Tracy, Sally J; Smith, Raymond F; Wicks, June K; Fratanduono, Dayne E; et al
28-Oct-2020Supercooled Southern Ocean WatersHaumann, FA; Moorman, Ruth; Riser, Stephen C; Smedsrud, Lars H; Maksym, Ted; et al
27-Oct-2020Consistency and Challenges in the Ocean Carbon Sink Estimate for the Global Carbon BudgetHauck, Judith; Zeising, Moritz; Le Quéré, Corinne; Gruber, Nicolas; Bakker, Dorothee CE; et al
25-Oct-2020Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle Imaged with Adjoint TomographyLloyd, Allen J; Wiens, Douglas A; Zhu, Hejun; Tromp, Jeroen; Nyblade, Andrew A; et al
23-Oct-2020Seasonal modulation of phytoplankton biomass in the Southern OceanArteaga, Lionel A; Boss, Emmanuel; Behrenfeld, Michael J; Westberry, Toby K; Sarmiento, Jorge L
19-Oct-2020P/Ca in Carbonates as a Proxy for Alkalinity and Phosphate LevelsIngalls, Miquela; Blättler, Clara L; Higgins, John A; Magyar, John S; Eiler, John M; et al
Oct-2020Molecular heterogeneity in pyrogenic dissolved organic matter from a thermal series of oak and grass charsWozniak, Andrew S; Goranov, Aleksandr I; Mitra, Siddhartha; Bostick, Kyle W; Zimmerman, Andrew R; et al
23-Sep-2020Estuarine Forecasts at Daily Weather to Subseasonal Time ScalesRoss, Andrew C; Stock, Charles A; Dixon, Keith W; Friedrichs, Marjorie AM; Hood, Raleigh R; et al
20-Sep-2020Impact of topography on earthquake static slip estimatesLanger, Leah; Ragon, Théa; Sladen, Anthony; Tromp, Jeroen
17-Sep-2020Large Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation Distinguishes Nitrogenase-Derived Methane from Other Methane SourcesZhang, Xinning; Luxem, Katja E; Leavitt, William D
12-Sep-2020Large‑scale control on the frequency of tropical cyclones and seeds: a consistent relationship across a hierarchy of global atmospheric modelsHsieh, Tsung-Lin; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Yang, Wenchang; Held, Isaac M; Garner, Stephen T
26-Aug-2020Structural response of α-quartz under plate-impact shock compressionTracy, Sally June; Turneaure, Stefan J; Duffy, Thomas S
25-Aug-2020Linearity of Outgoing Longwave Radiation: From an Atmospheric Column to Global Climate ModelsZhang, Yi; Jeevanjee, Nadir; Fueglistaler, Stephan