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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2016The Siderophore Metabolome of Azotobacter vinelandiiBaars, Oliver; Baars, Oliver; Seyedsayamdost, Mohammad R.; Morel, François M.M.; Zhang, Xinning, et al
Oct-2018Community composition of nitrous oxide reducing bacteria investigated using a functional gene microarrayJayakumar, Amal; Balachandran, Devika; Rees, Andrew P; Kearns, Patrick J; Bowen, Jennifer L, et al
13-Mar-2019Low rates of dinitrogen fixation in the eastern tropical South PacificWard, Bess B; Chang, Bonnie X; Jayakumar, Amal; Widner, Brittany; Bernhardt, Peter, et al
19-Jan-2014Increasing frequency of extreme El Niño events due to greenhouse warmingCai, Wenju; Borlace, Simon; Lengaigne, Matthieu; van Rensch, Peter; Collins, Mat, et al
Nov-2018Simulating the ocean’s chlorophyll dynamic range from coastal upwelling to oligotrophyVan Oostende, Nicolas; Dussin, Raphael; Stock, Charles A; Barton, Andrew D; Curchitser, Enrique, et al
14-May-2014The poleward migration of the location of tropical cyclone maximum intensity.Kossin, James P; Emanuel, Kerry A; Vecchi, Gabriel A
Jul-2013Laterally propagating slow slip events in a rate and state friction model with a velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening transitionHawthorne, Jessica C; Rubin, Allan M
Dec-2013Imaging slow slip fronts in Cascadia with high precision cross-station tremor locationsRubin, Allan M; Armbruster, John G
23-Feb-2016High-energy X-ray focusing and applications to pair distribution function investigation of Pt and Au nanoparticles at high pressuresHong, Xinguo; Ehm, Lars; Zhong, Zhong; Ghose, Sanjit; Duffy, Thomas S, et al
6-Apr-2018Assessment of Export Efficiency Equations in the Southern Ocean Applied to Satellite-Based Net Primary ProductionArteaga, Lionel; Haëntjens, Nils; Boss, Emmanuel; Johnson, Kenneth S; Sarmiento, Jorge L