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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
9-Jan-2018Corrigendum: Attribution of extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017 (2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 124009)van Oldenborgh, Geert Jan; van der Wiel, Karin; Sebastian, Antonia; Singh, Roop; Arrighi, Julie, et al
12-Feb-2018Community Composition of Nitrous Oxide-Related Genes in Salt Marsh Sediments Exposed to Nitrogen EnrichmentWard, Bess B; Angell, John H; Peng, Xeufeng; Ji, Qixing; Craick, Ian, et al
20-Aug-2020Nitrite oxidation exceeds reduction and fixed nitrogen loss in anoxic Pacific watersWard, Bess B; Babbin, Andrew R; Buchwald, Carolyn; Morel, François MM; Wankel, Scott D
18-Oct-2018Nitrogen and oxygen availabilities control water column nitrous oxide production during seasonal anoxia in the Chesapeake BayJi, Qixing; Frey, Claudia; Sun, Xin; Jackson, Melanie; Lee, Yea-Shine, et al
Jan-2012Evidence for Cascades of Perturbation and Adaptation in the Metabolic Genes of Higher Termite Gut SymbiontsZhang, Xinning; Leadbetter, Jared R
11-Dec-2020Global Carbon Budget 2020Friedlingstein, Pierre; O'Sullivan, Michael; Jones, Matthew W; Andrew, Robbie M; Hauck, Judith, et al
24-Nov-2020Attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to anthropogenic forcingVillarini, Gabriele; Zhang, Wei; Quintero, Felipe; Krajewski, Witold F; Vecchi, Gabriel A
12-Nov-2013Genome-Wide Effects of Selenium and Translational Uncoupling on Transcription in the Termite Gut Symbiont Treponema primitiaMatson, Eric G; Rosenthal, Adam Z; Zhang, Xinning; Leadbetter, Jared R
4-Dec-2020A Mg Isotopic Perspective on the Mobility of Magnesium During Serpentinization and Carbonation of the Oman Ophiolitede Obeso, Juan Carlos; Santiago Ramos, Danielle P; Higgins, John A; Kelemen, Peter B
4-Dec-2020Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction of Laser-Shocked Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) to 122 GPaKim, Donghoon; Tracy, Sally J; Smith, Raymond F; Gleason, Arianna E; Bolme, Cindy A, et al