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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
4-Dec-2019Epidemic dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus in current and future climatesBaker, Rachel E; Mahmud, Ayesha S; Wagner, Caroline E; Yang, Wenchang; Pitzer, Virginia E, et al
18-Oct-2019Causes of large projected increases in hurricane precipitation rates with global warmingLiu, Maofeng; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Smith, James A; Knutson, Thomas R
25-Feb-2019Author Correction: Recent increases in tropical cyclone intensification ratesBhatia, Kieran T; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Knutson, Thomas R; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Kossin, James, et al
28-Jan-2019SEIS: Insight’s Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of MarsLognonné, Philippe; Banerdt, William B; Giardini, Domenico; Pike, William T; Christensen, Ulrich, et al
30-Jun-2017Multi-Annual Climate Predictions for Fisheries: An Assessment of Skill of Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts for Large Marine EcosystemsTommasi, Desiree; Stock, Charles A; Alexander, Michael A; Yang, Xiaosong; Rosati, Anthony, et al
31-Mar-2016Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of western North Pacific and East Asia landfalling tropical cyclones using the high resolution GFDL FLOR coupled modelZhang, Wei; Villarini, Gabriele; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Gudgel, Richard
15-Nov-2016The Resolution Dependence of Contiguous U.S. Precipitation Extremes in Response to CO2 Forcingvan der Wiel, Karin; Kapnick, Sarah B; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Cooke, William F; Delworth, Thomas L, et al
31-May-2016Comment on ‘Roles of interbasin frequency changes in the poleward shifts of the maximum intensity location of tropical cyclones’Kossin, James P; Emanuel, Kerry A; Vecchi, Gabriel A
15-Nov-2017A Weather-Type-Based Cross-Time-Scale Diagnostic Framework for Coupled Circulation ModelsMuñoz, Ángel G; Yang, Xiaosong; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Robertson, Andrew W; Cooke, William F
17-Nov-2017Impact of an observational time window on coupled data assimilation: simulation with a simple climate modelZhao, Yuxin; Deng, Xiong; Zhang, Shaoqing; Liu, Zhengyu; Liu, Chang, et al