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20-Oct-2014THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY COADD: 275 deg(2) OF DEEP SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY IMAGING ON STRIPE 82Annis, James; Soares-Santos, Marcelle; Strauss, Michael A; Becker, Andrew C; Dodelson, Scott, et al
5-Oct-2020Joint cosmology and mass calibration from thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich cluster counts and cosmic shearNicola, Andrina; Dunkley, Jo; Spergel, David N
20-May-2018Revolutionizing Our Understanding of AGN Feedback and its Importance to Galaxy Evolution in the Era of the Next Generation Very Large ArrayNyland, K; Harwood, JJ; Mukherjee, D; Jagannathan, P; Rujopakarn, W, et al
10-Feb-2017Testing the Presence of Multiple Photometric Components in Nearby Early-type Galaxies Using SDSSOh, Semyeong; Greene, Jenny E.; Lackner, Claire N
20-Feb-2017Detection of Time Lags between Quasar Continuum Emission Bands Based On Pan-STARRS Light CurvesJiang, Yan-Fei; Green, Paul J; Greene, Jenny E.; Morganson, Eric; Shen, Yue, et al
Jun-2018Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). III. Star formation properties of the host galaxies at z greater than or similar to 6 studied with ALMAIzumi, Takuma; Onoue, Masafusa; Shirakata, Hikari; Nagao, Tohru; Kohno, Kotaro, et al
20-Aug-2018Measuring Supermassive Black Hole Peculiar Motion Using H2O MegamasersPesce, DW; Braatz, JA; Condon, JJ; Greene, Jenny E.
Oct-2018Spectropolarimetry of high-redshift obscured and red quasarsAlexandroff, RM; Zakamska, NL; Barth, AJ; Hamann, F; Strauss, Michael A., et al
Oct-2018A detection of the environmental dependence of the sizes and stellar haloes of massive central galaxiesHuang, Song; Leauthaud, Alexie; Greene, Jenny E.; Bundy, Kevin; Lin, Yen-Ting, et al
Jun-2018Winds as the origin of radio emission in z=2.5 radio-quiet extremely red quasarsHwang, Hsiang-Chih; Zakamska, Nadia L; Alexandroff, Rachael M; Hamann, Fred; Greene, Jenny E., et al