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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2018An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging.Milham, Michael P.; Ai, Lei; Koo, Bonhwang; Xu, Ting; Amiez, CĂ©line, et al
16-Sep-2015A Neural Basis for Developmental Topographic DisorientationKim, Jiye G.; Aminoff, Elissa M.; Kastner, Sabine; Behrmann, Marlene
May-2014Attention in the real world: toward understanding its neural basisPeelen, Marius V.; Kastner, Sabine
Aug-2013Attention flexibly alters tuning for object categoriesKim, Jiye G.; Kastner, Sabine
5-May-2016Early development of turn-taking with parents shapes vocal acoustics in infant marmoset monkeysTakahashi, Daniel Y.; Fenley, Alicia R.; Ghazanfar, Asif A.
Jan-2013Downplaying Positive Impressions: Compensation Between Warmth and Competence in Impression ManagementHoloien, Deborah Son; Fiske, Susan T.
Jun-2012Dearth by a Thousand Cuts? Accounting for Gender Differences in Top-Ranked Publication Rates in Social PsychologyCikara, Mina; Rudman, Laurie; Fiske, Susan T.
1-Jan-2015Forecasting the Primary Dimension of Social Perception: Symbolic and Realistic Threats Together Predict Warmth in the Stereotype Content ModelKervyn, Nicolas; Fiske, Susan T.; Yzerbyt, Vincent
Dec-2012Contentment to resentment: Variation in stereotype content across status systemsOldmeadow, Julian A; Fiske, Susan T.
1-Jan-2011Dehumanized Perception: A Psychological Means to Facilitate Atrocities, Torture, and Genocide?Harris, Lasana T.; Fiske, Susan T.