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Oscillations of the thermal conductivity in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3

Author(s): Czajka, Peter; Gao, Tong; Hirschberger, Max; Lampen-Kelley, Paula; Banerjee, Arnab; et al

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dc.contributor.authorCzajka, Peter-
dc.contributor.authorGao, Tong-
dc.contributor.authorHirschberger, Max-
dc.contributor.authorLampen-Kelley, Paula-
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Arnab-
dc.contributor.authorYan, Jiaqiang-
dc.contributor.authorMandrus, David G-
dc.contributor.authorNagler, Stephen E-
dc.contributor.authorOng, NP-
dc.identifier.citationCzajka, Peter, Gao, Tong, Hirschberger, Max, Lampen-Kelley, Paula, Banerjee, Arnab, Yan, Jiaqiang, Mandrus, David G, Nagler, Stephen E, Ong, NP. (2021). Oscillations of the thermal conductivity in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3. Nature Physics, 17 (8), 915 - 919. doi:10.1038/s41567-021-01243-xen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the class of materials called spin liquids, a magnetically ordered state cannot be attained even at milliKelvin temperatures because of conflicting constraints on each spin (for e.g. from geometric or exchange frustration). The resulting quantum spin-liquid (QSL) state is currently of intense interest because it exhibits novel ex-citations as well as wave-function entanglement. The layered insulator α-RuCl3 orders as a zigzag antiferromagnet below ∼7 K in zero magnetic field. The zigzag order is destroyed when a magnetic field H is applied parallel to the zigzag axis a. Within the field interval (7.3, 11) Tesla, there is growing evidence that a QSL state exists. Here we report the observation of oscillations in its thermal conductivity below 4 K. The oscillation amplitude is very large within the interval (7.3, 11) T and strongly suppressed on either side. Paradoxically, the oscillations are periodic in 1/H, analogous to quantum oscillations in metals, even though α-RuCl3 is an excellent insulator with a gap of 1.9 eV. By tilting H out of the plane, we find that the oscillation period is determined by the in-plane component Ha. As the temperature is raised above 0.5 K, the oscillation amplitude decreases exponentially. The decrease anti-correlates with the emergence above ∼2 K of an anomalous planar thermal Hall conductivity measured with H ‖ a. To exclude extrinsic artifacts, we carried out several tests. The implications of the oscillations are discussed.en_US
dc.format.extent915 - 919en_US
dc.relation.ispartofNature Physicsen_US
dc.rightsAuthor's manuscripten_US
dc.titleOscillations of the thermal conductivity in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3en_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US

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