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HAT-P-56b: An Inflated Massive Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright F Star Followed Up with K2 Campaign 0 Observations

Author(s): Huang, CX; Hartman, Joel D.; Bakos, Gaspar Aron; Penev, K; Bhatti, W; et al

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Abstract: We report the discovery of HAT-P-56b by the HATNet survey, an inflated hot Jupiter transiting a bright F-type star in Field 0 of NASAʼs K2 mission. We combine ground-based discovery and follow-up light curves with high precision photometry from K2, as well as ground-based radial velocities from the Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph on the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory 1.5 m telescope to determine the physical properties of this system. HAT-P-56b has a mass of 2.18 MJ, radius of 1.47 RJ, and transits its host star on a near-grazing orbit with a period of 2.7908 day. The radius of HAT-P-56b is among the largest known for a planet with Mp > 2 MJ. The host star has a V-band magnitude of 10.9, mass of 1.30 M☉, and radius of 1.43 R☉. The periodogram of the K2 light curve suggests that the star is a γ Dor variable. HAT-P-56b is an example of a ground-based discovery of a transiting planet, where space-based observations greatly improve the confidence in the confirmation of its planetary nature, and also improve the accuracy of the planetary parameters.
Publication Date: Sep-2015
Electronic Publication Date: 25-Aug-2015
Citation: Huang, CX, Hartman, JD, Bakos, GÁ, Penev, K, Bhatti, W, Bieryla, A, de Val-Borro, M, Latham, DW, Buchhave, LA, Csubry, Z, Kovács, G, Béky, B, Falco, E, Berlind, P, Calkins, ML, Esquerdo, GA, Lázár, J, Papp, I, Sári, P. (2015). HAT-P-56b: An Inflated Massive Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright F Star Followed Up with K2 Campaign 0 Observations. \aj, 150 (85 - 85. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/3/85
DOI: doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/3/85
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Astronomical Journal
Version: Final published version. Article is made available in OAR by the publisher's permission or policy.

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