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Transcriptionally regulated cell adhesion network dictates distal tip cell directionality

Author(s): Wong, Ming-Ching; Kennedy, William P; Schwarzbauer, Jean E

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Abstract: The mechanisms that govern directional changes in cell migration are poorly understood. The migratory paths of two distal tip cells (DTC) determine the U-shape of the C. elegans hermaphroditic gonad. The morphogenesis of this organ provides a model system to identify genes necessary for the DTCs to execute two stereotyped turns. Using candidate genes for RNAi knockdown in a DTC-specific strain, we identified two transcriptional regulators required for DTC turning: cbp-1, the CBP/p300 transcriptional coactivator homologue, and let-607, a CREBH transcription factor homologue. Further screening of potential target genes uncovered a network of integrin adhesion-related genes that have roles in turning and are dependent on cbp-1 and let-607 for expression. These genes include src-1/Src kinase, tln-1/talin, pat-2/α integrin and nmy-2, a nonmuscle myosin heavy chain. Transcriptional regulation by means of cbp-1 and let-607 is crucial for determining directional changes during DTC migration. These regulators coordinate a gene network that is necessary for integrin-mediated adhesion. Overall, these results suggest that directional changes in cell migration rely on the precise gene regulation of adhesion.
Publication Date: Aug-2014
Electronic Publication Date: 26-May-2014
Citation: Wong, Ming-Ching, Kennedy, William P, Schwarzbauer, Jean E. (2014). Transcriptionally regulated cell adhesion network dictates distal tip cell directionality. Developmental Dynamics, 243 (8), 999 - 1010. doi:10.1002/dvdy.24146
DOI: doi:10.1002/dvdy.24146
ISSN: 1058-8388
Pages: 999 - 1010
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Developmental Dynamics
Version: Author's manuscript

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