Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Maimonides’ Menstrual Reform in Egypt | Krakowski, Eve |
28-Oct-2019 | Introduction: A Handbook for Documentary Geniza Research in the Twenty-First Century | Krakowski, Eve; Goldberg, Jessica |
23-Oct-2019 | The Fatimid Petition | Rustow, Marina |
2019 | Persian in Arabic: Identity Politics and Macaronic Abbasid Poetry | Harb, Lara |
2015 | Written and oral aspects of an early Wahhābī epistle | Cook, Michael |
2015 | Form, Content, and the Inimitability of the Qurʾān in ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī’s Works | Harb, Lara |
2015 | Muḥammad’s deputies in Medina | Cook, Michael |
2014 | The appeal of Islamic fundamentalism | Cook, Michael |
2014 | "To the Arab Hebrew": On Possibilities and Impossibilities | Gribetz, Jonathan |
2014 | The Language of Paradise in Safavid Iran: Speech and Cosmology in the Thought of Āẕar Kayvān and His Followers | Sheffield, Daniel |
2014 | Yerushalmi and the Conversos | Rustow, Marina |
2013 | "Their Blood is Eastern': Shahin Makaryus and Fin de Siècle Arab Pride in the Jewish 'Race' | Gribetz, Jonathan |
2013 | The Political Failure of Islamic Law | Haykel, Bernard |
2012 | A Treasury of Zoroastrian Manuscripts: The First Dastoor Meherjirana Library, Navsari | Kotwal, Firoze; Sheffield, Daniel; Boyd, J |
2012 | The Question of Palestine before the International Community, 1924: A Methodological Inquiry into the Charge of ““Bias”” | Gribetz, Jonathan |
2012 | Picturing Prophethood: KRCOI Zarātushtnāma Manuscript HP 149 and the Origins of the Portrait of Zarathustra | Sheffield, Daniel |
2011 | Abdürrezzak Bedirhan: Ottoman Kurd and Russophile in the Twilight of Empire | Reynolds, Michael |
2010 | A Petition to a Woman at the Fatimid Court | Rustow, Marina |
May-2009 | Buffers, not Brethren: Young Turk Military Policy in the First World War and the Myth of Panturanism, | Reynolds, Michael |
2009 | The Wizirgerd ī Dēnīg and the Evil Spirit: Questions of Authenticity in Post-Classical Zoroastrianism | Sheffield, Daniel |