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Berry Phase and Model Wave Function in the Half-Filled Landau Level

Author(s): Geraedts, Scott D; Wang, Jie; Rezayi, EH; Haldane, FDM

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Abstract: We construct model wavefunctions for the half-filled Landau level parameterized by “composite fermion occupation-number configurations” in a two-dimensional momentum space which corre- spond to a Fermi sea with particle-hole excitations. When these correspond to a weakly-excited Fermi sea, they have large overlap with wavefunctions obtained by exact diagonalization of lowest- Landau-level electrons interacting with a Coulomb interaction, allowing exact states to be identified with quasiparticle configurations. We then formulate a many-body version of the single-particle Berry phase for adiabatic transport of a single quasiparticle around a path in momentum space, and evaluate it using a sequence of exact eigenstates in which a single quasiparticle moves incrementally. In this formulation the standard free-particle construction in terms of the overlap between “periodic parts of successive Bloch wavefunctions” is reinterpreted as the matrix element of a “momentum boost” operator between the full Bloch states, which becomes the matrix elements of a Girvin- MacDonald-Platzman density operator in the many-body context. This allows computation of the Berry phase for transport of a single composite fermion around the Fermi surface. In addition to a phase contributed by the density operator, we find a phase of exactly π for this process.
Publication Date: 3-Oct-2018
Electronic Publication Date: 3-Oct-2018
Citation: Geraedts, Scott D, Wang, Jie, Rezayi, EH, Haldane, FDM. (Berry Phase and Model Wave Function in the Half-Filled Landau Level. Physical Review Letters, 121 (14), 10.1103/physrevlett.121.147202
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevlett.121.147202
ISSN: 0031-9007
EISSN: 1079-7114
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Letters
Version: Author's manuscript

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