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Characterizing counter-streaming interpenetrating plasmas relevant to astrophysical collisionless shocks

Author(s): Ross, JS; Glenzer, SH; Amendt, P; Berger, R; Divol, L; et al

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Abstract: A series of Omega experiments have produced and characterized high velocity counter-streaming plasma flows relevant for the creation of collisionless shocks. Single and double CH2 foils have been irradiated with a laser intensity of ∼ 1016 W/cm2. The laser ablated plasma was characterized 4 mm from the foil surface using Thomson scattering. A peak plasma flow velocity of 2000 km/s, an electron temperature of ∼ 110 eV, an ion temperature of ∼ 30 eV, and a density of ∼ 1018 cm -3 were measured in the single foil configuration. Significant increases in electron and ion temperatures were seen in the double foil geometry. The measured single foil plasma conditions were used to calculate the ion skin depth, c/ωpi ∼ 0.16 mm, the interaction length, lint, of ∼ 8 mm, and the Coulomb mean free path, λmfp ∼ 27 mm. With c/ωpi ≪ l int ≪λmfp, we are in a regime where collisionless shock formation is possible. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
Publication Date: 21-Mar-2012
Electronic Publication Date: May-2012
Citation: Ross, JS, Glenzer, SH, Amendt, P, Berger, R, Divol, L, Kugland, NL, Landen, OL, Plechaty, C, Remington, B, Ryutov, D, Rozmus, W, Froula, DH, Fiksel, G, Sorce, C, Kuramitsu, Y, Morita, T, Sakawa, Y, Takabe, H, Drake, RP, Grosskopf, M, Kuranz, C, Gregori, G, Meinecke, J, Murphy, CD, Koenig, M, Pelka, A, Ravasio, A, Vinci, T, Liang, E, Presura, R, Spitkovsky, A, Miniati, F, Park, HS. (2012). Characterizing counter-streaming interpenetrating plasmas relevant to astrophysical collisionless shocks. Physics of Plasmas, 19 (5), 10.1063/1.3694124
DOI: doi:10.1063/1.3694124
ISSN: 1070-664X
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physics of Plasmas
Version: Final published version. Article is made available in OAR by the publisher's permission or policy.

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