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Multi-Messenger Astrophysics With Pulsar Timing Arrays

Author(s): Kelley, Luke; Charisi, M; Burke-Spolaor, S; Simon, J; Blecha, L; et al

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Abstract: Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are on the verge of detecting low-frequency gravitational waves (GWs) from supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs). With continued observations of a large sample of millisecond pulsars, PTAs will reach this major milestone within the next decade. Already, SMBHB candidates are being identified by electromagnetic surveys in ever-increasing numbers; upcoming surveys will enhance our ability to detect and verify candidates, and will be instrumental in identifying the host galaxies of GW sources. Multi-messenger (GW and electromagnetic) observations of SMBHBs will revolutionize our understanding of the co-evolution of SMBHs with their host galaxies, the dynamical interactions between binaries and their galactic environments, and the fundamental physics of accretion. Multi-messenger observations can also make SMBHBs ‘standard sirens’ for cosmological distance measurements out to z '0.5. LIGO has already ushered in break- through insights in our knowledge of black holes. The multi-messenger detection of SMBHBs with PTAs will be a breakthrough in the years 2020–2030 and beyond, and prepare us for LISA to help complete our views of black hole demographics and evolution at higher redshifts.
Publication Date: 31-May-2019
Electronic Publication Date: May-2019
Citation: Kelley, Luke, Charisi, M, Burke-Spolaor, S, Simon, J, Blecha, L, Bogdanovic, T, Colpi, M, Comerford, J, D Orazio, D, Dotti, M, Eracleous, M, Graham, M, Greene, J, Haiman, Z, Holley-Bockelmann, K, Kara, E, Kelly, B, Komossa, S, Larson, S, Liu, X, Ma, C-P, Noble, S, Paschalidis, V, Rafikov, R, Ravi, V, Runnoe, J, Sesana, A, Stern, D, Strauss, MA, U, V, Volonteri, M, Collaboration, Nanograv. (2019). Multi-Messenger Astrophysics With Pulsar Timing Arrays. \baas, 51 (490 - 490
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
Version: Author's manuscript

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