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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2017Self reported outcomes and adverse events after medical abortion through online telemedicine: population based study in the Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandAiken, Abigail; Digol, I.; Trussell, James; Gomperts, R.
2013Role of Young Women's Depression and Stress Symptoms in Their Weekly Use and Nonuse of Contraceptive MethodsHall, Kelli S.; Moreau, Caroline; Trussell, James; Barber, J.
2013Religiosity, religious affiliation, and patterns of sexual activity and contraceptive use in FranceMoreau, Caroline; Trussell, James; Bajos, N.
2013Young women's consistency of contraceptive use - does depression or stress matter?Hall, Kelli S.; Moreau, Caroline; Trussell, James; Barber, J
2012Types of combined oral contraceptives used by US womenHall, Kelli S.; Trussell, James
2012Progestin-only contraceptive pill use among women in the United StatesHall, Kelli S.; Trussell, James; Schwarz, E.B.
17-May-2018Analysis of multi-level spatial data reveals strong synchrony in seasonal influenza epidemics across Norway, Sweden, and DenmarkMorris, Sinead E.; Freiesleben de Blasio, Birgitte; Viboud, Cécile; Wesolowski, Amy; Bjørnstad, Ottar N., et al
29-Jul-2014Demonstrating the Use of High-Volume Electronic Medical Claims Data to Monitor Local and Regional Influenza Activity in the USViboud, Cécile; Charu, Vivek; Olson, Donald; Ballesteros, Sébastien; Gog, Julia, et al
30-Mar-2015Changes in Rodent Abundance and Weather Conditions Potentially Drive Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Outbreaks in Xi’an, China, 2005–2012Tian, Huai-Yu; Yu, Peng-Bo; Luis, Angela D.; Bi, Peng; Cazelles, Bernard, et al
9-Jan-2014Animal Reservoir, Natural and Socioeconomic Variations and the Transmission of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Chenzhou, China, 2006–2010Xiao, Hong; Tian, Huai-Yu; Gao, Li-Dong; Liu, Hai-Ning; Duan, Liang-Song, et al