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Genome-wide Functional Analysis of CREB/Long-Term Memory-Dependent Transcription Reveals Distinct Basal and Memory Gene Expression Programs

Author(s): Lakhina, Vanisha; Arey, Rachel N; Kaletsky, Rachel; Kauffman, Amanda; Stein, Geneva; et al

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Abstract: Induced CREB activity is a hallmark of long-term memory, but the full repertoire of CREB transcriptional targets required specifically for memory is not known in any system. To obtain a more complete picture of the mechanisms involved in memory, we combined memory training with genome-wide transcriptional analysis of C. elegans CREB mutants. This approach identified 757 significant CREB/memory-induced targets and confirmed the involvement of known memory genes from other organisms, but also suggested new mechanisms and novel components that may be conserved through mammals. CREB mediates distinct basal and memory transcriptional programs at least partially through spatial restriction of CREB activity: basal targets are regulated primarily in nonneuronal tissues, while memory targets are enriched for neuronal expression, emanating from CREB activity in AIM neurons. This suite of novel memory-associated genes will provide a platform for the discovery of orthologous mammalian long-term memory components.
Publication Date: 21-Jan-2015
Citation: Lakhina, Vanisha, Arey, Rachel N, Kaletsky, Rachel, Kauffman, Amanda, Stein, Geneva, Keyes, William, Xu, Daniel, Murphy, Coleen T. (2015). Genome-wide Functional Analysis of CREB/Long-Term Memory-Dependent Transcription Reveals Distinct Basal and Memory Gene Expression Programs. Neuron, 85 (2), 330 - 345. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2014.12.029
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2014.12.029
ISSN: 0896-6273
Pages: 330 - 345
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Neuron
Version: Author's manuscript

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