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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
11-Oct-2011Advancing technology for starlight suppression via an external occulterKasdin, NJ; Spergel, DN; Vanderbei, Robert J.; Lisman, D; Shaklan, S, et al
1-Jan-2015Design of a laboratory testbed for external occulters at flight Fresnel numbersKim, Y; Galvin, M; Kasdin, NJ; Vanderbei, Robert J.; Ryu, D, et al
26-Sep-2013Hybrid coronagraphic design: Optimization of complex apodizersCarlotti, A; Kasdin, NJ; Vanderbei, Robert J.; Riggs, AJE
2-Aug-2014Diffractive analysis of limits of an occulter experimentSirbu, D; Kasdin, NJ; Vanderbei, Robert J.
30-Jul-2015Which young tableaux can represent an outer sum?Mallows, C; Vanderbei, Robert J.
Sep-2016Revisiting compressed sensing: exploiting the efficiency of simplex and sparsification methodsVanderbei, Robert J.; Lin, Kevin; Liu, Han; Wang, Lie
28-Aug-2014Shaped pupil design for future space telescopesRiggs, AJE; Zimmerman, N; Carlotti, A; Kasdin, NJ; Vanderbei, Robert J.
24-Sep-2012Scientific Design of a High Contrast Integral Field Spectrograph for the Subaru TelescopeMcElwain, Michael W; Brandt, Timothy D; Janson, Markus; Knapp, Gillian R; Peters, Mary Anne, et al
2012Optimized shaped pupil masks for pupil with obscurationCarlotti, Alexis; Kasdin, N Jeremy; Vanderbei, Robert J.; Delorme, Jacques-Robert
15-Sep-2011Optical verification of occulter-based high contrast imagingSirbu, D; Cady, EJ; Kasdin, NJ; Vanderbei, Robert J.; Lu, J, et al