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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2015Optimal Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Discriminant AnalysisKolar, Mladen; Liu, Han
2015Optimal linear estimation under unknown nonlinear transformYi, X; Wang, Z; Caramanis, C; Liu, H
Dec-2015An Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Monotone Value FunctionsJiang, Daniel R; Powell, Warren B
Aug-2015Optimal Hour-Ahead Bidding in the Real-Time Electricity Market with Battery Storage Using Approximate Dynamic ProgrammingJiang, Daniel R; Powell, Warren B
1-Jun-2019A Smooth Transition from Wishart to GOERácz, Miklos Z; Richey, J
26-Jun-2012A quantitative Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem without neutralityMossel, E; Rácz, Miklos Z
1-Jan-2014Modeling flocks and prices: Jumping particles with an attractive interactionBalázs, M; Rácz, Miklos Z; Tóth, B
1-Jan-2013A smooth transition from powerlessness to absolute powerMossel, E; Procaccia, AD; Racz, Miklos Z
1-Mar-2015Can one hear the shape of a population history?Kim, J; Mossel, E; Rácz, Miklos Z; Ross, N
1-Jan-2015On the Influence of the Seed Graph in the Preferential Attachment ModelBubeck, Sebastien; Mossel, Elchanan; Racz, Miklos Z