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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2016Replicates in high dimensions, with applications to latent variable graphical modelsTan, Kean Ming; Ning, Yang; Witten, Daniela M; Liu, Han
2012Sparse additive machineZhao, T; Liu, H
2013Principal component analysis on non-gaussian dependent dataHan, F; Liu, H
2012Smooth-projected neighborhood pursuit for high-dimensional nonparanormal graph estimationZhao, T; Roeder, K; Liu, H
2016Sparse median graphs estimation in a high-dimensional semiparametric modelHan, Fang; Han, Xiaoyan; Liu, Han; Caffo, Brian
2015Robust portfolio optimizationQiu, H; Han, F; Liu, H; Caffo, B
2013Robust Sparse Principal Component Regression under the High Dimensional Elliptical ModelHan, F; Liu, H
1-Jan-2014Modeling flocks and prices: Jumping particles with an attractive interactionBalázs, M; Rácz, Miklos Z; Tóth, B
1-Jan-2013A smooth transition from powerlessness to absolute powerMossel, E; Procaccia, AD; Racz, Miklos Z
Oct-2016Testing for high-dimensional geometry in random graphsBubeck, Sébastien; Ding, Jian; Eldan, Ronen; Rácz, Miklós Z