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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2015A reduced-form contingent convertible bond model with deterministic conversion intensityCheridito, Patrick; Xu, Zhikai
2018Pac-bayes tree: Weighted subtrees with guaranteesNguyen, T; Kpotufe, S
2014Optimal rates for k-NN density and mode estimationDasgupta, S; Kpotufe, S
2015Multidimensional quadratic and subquadratic BSDEs with special structureCheridito, Patrick; Nam, Kihun
Apr-2012Kullback–Leibler aggregation and misspecified generalized linear modelsRigollet, Philippe
Jun-2012Deviation optimal learning using greedy Q-aggregationDai, Dong; Rigollet, Philippe; Zhang, Tong
Apr-2013The multi-armed bandit problem with covariatesPerchet, Vianney; Rigollet, Philippe
2012A Quasi Monte Carlo Method for Large-Scale Inverse ProblemsPolydorides, Nick; Wang, Mengdi; Bertsekas, Dimitri P.
2011Optimal pupil apodizations of arbitrary apertures for high-contrast imagingCarlotti, A; Vanderbei, Robert; Kasdin, N Jeremy
6-Dec-2013Probabilistic analysis of mean-field gamesCarmona, Rene; Delarue, F