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Feedback Regulated Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, and Star Formation Rates in Galactic Disks

Author(s): Kim, Chang-Goo; Ostriker, Eve C

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Abstract: We use three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to investigate the quasi-equilibrium states of galactic disks regulated by star formation feedback. We incorporate effects from massive-star feedback via time-varying heating rates and supernova (SN) explosions. We find that the disks in our simulations rapidly approach a quasi-steady state that satisfies vertical dynamical equilibrium. The star formation rate (SFR) surface density self adjusts to provide the total momentum flux (pressure) in the vertical direction that matches the weight of the gas. We quantify feedback efficiency by measuring feedback yields, eta(c) equivalent to P-c/Sigma(SFR) (in suitable units), for each pressure component. The turbulent and thermal feedback yields are the same for HD and MHD simulations, eta(th) similar to 1 and eta(turb) similar to 4, consistent with the theoretical expectations. In MHD simulations, turbulent magnetic fields are rapidly generated by turbulence, and saturate at a level corresponding to eta(mag,t) similar to 1. The presence of magnetic fields enhances the total feedback yield and therefore reduces the SFR, since the same vertical support can be supplied at a smaller SFR. We suggest further numerical calibrations and observational tests in terms of the feedback yields.
Publication Date: 2015
Citation: Kim, Chang-Goo, Ostriker, Eve C. (2015). Feedback Regulated Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, and Star Formation Rates in Galactic Disks. FROM INTERSTELLAR CLOUDS TO STAR-FORMING GALAXIES: UNIVERSAL PROCESSES?, 38 - 41. doi:10.1017/S1743921316007225
DOI: doi:10.1017/S1743921316007225
ISSN: 1743-9213
EISSN: 1743-9221
Pages: 38 - 41
Type of Material: Conference Article
Version: Author's manuscript

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