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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2017A resilient and efficient CFD framework: Statistical learning tools for multi-fidelity and heterogeneous information fusionLee, Seungjoon; Kevrekidis, Yannis G.; Karniadakis, George Em
Sep-2016Hydration Repulsion between Carbohydrate Surfaces Mediated by Temperature and Specific IonsChen, Hsieh; Cox, Jason R; Ow, Hooisweng; Shi, Rena; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z
2016TGF-β1-induced EMT promotes targeted migration of breast cancer cells through the lymphatic system by the activation of CCR7/CCL21-mediated chemotaxisPang, M-F; Georgoudaki, A-M; Lambut, L; Johansson, J; Tabor, V, et al
2016Pulling together: Tissue-generated forces that drive lumen morphogenesisNavis, A; Nelson, Celeste M
2016Interstitial fluid pressure regulates collective invasion in engineered human breast tumors via Snail, vimentin, and E-cadherinPiotrowski-Daspit, Alexandra S; Tien, Joe; Nelson, Celeste M
2016Pushing, pulling, and squeezing our way to understanding mechanotransductionSiedlik, MJ; Varner, VD; Nelson, Celeste M
2016Tissue stiffness and hypoxia modulate the integrin-linked kinase ilk to control breast cancer stem-like cellsPang, M-F; Siedlik, MJ; Han, S; Stallings-Mann, M; Radisky, DC, et al
2015Localized Smooth Muscle Differentiation Is Essential for Epithelial Bifurcation during Branching Morphogenesis of the Mammalian LungKim, HY; Pang, M-F; Varner, VD; Kojima, L; Miller, E, et al
Jul-2017Computational models of airway branching morphogenesisVarner, Victor D.; Nelson, Celeste M.
2016Morphogenesis and morphometric scaling of lung airway development follows phylogeny in chicken, quail, and duck embryosTzou, D; Spurlin, J; Pavlovich, AL; Stewart, CR; Gleghorn, JP, et al