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Shiba chains of scalar impurities on unconventional superconductors

Author(s): Neupert, Titus; Yazdani, Ali; Bernevig, Bogdan A.

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Abstract: We show that a chain of nonmagnetic impurities deposited on a fully gapped two- or three-dimensional superconductor can become a topological one-dimensional superconductor with protected Majorana bound states at its end. A prerequisite is that the pairing potential of the underlying superconductor breaks the spin-rotation symmetry, as it is generically the case in systems with strong spin-orbit coupling. We illustrate this mechanism for a spinless triplet-superconductor (p(x) + ip(y)) and a time-reversal symmetric Rashba superconductor with a mixture of singlet and triplet pairing. For the latter, we showthat the impurity chain can be topologically nontrivial even if the underlying superconductor is topologically trivial.
Publication Date: 1-Mar-2016
Electronic Publication Date: 7-Mar-2016
Citation: Neupert, Titus, Yazdani, A, Bernevig, B Andrei. (2016). Shiba chains of scalar impurities on unconventional superconductors. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 93 (10.1103/PhysRevB.93.094508
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.094508
ISSN: 2469-9950
EISSN: 2469-9969
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Version: Author's manuscript

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