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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2017Balanced Growth Despite UzawaGrossman, Gene M.; Helpman, Elhanan; Oberfield, Ezra D.; Sampson, Thomas
Mar-2014Empirical Evidence on Inflation Expectations in the New Keynesian Phillips CurveMavroeidis, Sophocles; Plagborg-Moller, Mikkel; Stock, James H
1-Dec-2012Which financial frictions? Parsing the evidence from the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009Adrian, T; Colla, P; Shin, Hyun Song
20-Sep-2016What do university endowment managers worry about? An analysis of alternative asset investments and background incomeRosen, Harvey S.; Sappington, AJW
May-2019Dollar Invoicing and the Heterogeneity of Exchange Rate Pass-ThroughBoz, Emine; Gopinath, Gita; Plagborg-Moller, Mikkel
Dec-2011CommentShin, Hyun Song
Jul-2014Consumption and labor supply with partial insurance: An analytical frameworkHeathcote, J; Storesletten, K; Violante, Giovanni L.
Nov-2014Mismatch unemploymentŞahin, A; Song, J; Topa, G; Violante, Giovanni L.
Dec-2011Frictional wage dispersion in search models: A quantitative assessmentHornstein, A; Krusell, P; Violante, Giovanni L.
Oct-2012The collateral channel: How real estate shocks affect corporate investmentChaney, T; Sraer, David; Thesmar, D