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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2012Moving Back Home: Insurance against Labor Market RiskKaplan, Greg
1-Jan-2018When inequality matters for macro and macro matters for inequalityAhn, SeHyoun; Kaplan, Greg; Moll, Benjamin; Winberry, T; Wolf, Christian
3-May-2016Shopping externalities and self-fulfilling unemployment fluctuationsKaplan, Greg; Menzio, G
1-Mar-2017The great escape - a quantitative evaluation of the fed's liquidity facilitiesNegro, MD; Eggertsson, G; Ferrero, A; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro
Jul-2015Banking, liquidity, and bank runs in an infinite horizon economyGertler, M; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro
Jan-2018Bid shading and bidder surplus in the US treasury auction systemHortaçsu, A; Kastl, Jakub; Zhang, A
2018The Changing (Dis-)Utility of Work.Kaplan, Greg; Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam
May-2016Anticipated banking panicsGertler, M; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro; Prestipino, A
2-Jun-2014An algorithm for two-player repeated games with perfect monitoringAbreu, Dilip J.; Sannikov, Yuliy