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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2014Did Robert Bork Understate the Competitive Impact of Mergers? Evidence from Consummated MergersAshenfelter, Orley C.; Hosken, Daniel; Weinberg, Matthew
Mar-2012Economic History or History of Economics? A Review Essay on Sylvia Nasar’s Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic GeniusAshenfelter, Orley C.
19-Jun-2019A demand system approach to asset pricingKoijen, RSJ; Yogo, Motohiro
Mar-2018A Theory of Input-Output ArchitectureOberfield, Ezra D.
Nov-2018A new model for interdependent durationsHonoré, Bo E.; de Paula, Á
May-2016Anticipated banking panicsGertler, M; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro; Prestipino, A
Jul-2015Banking, liquidity, and bank runs in an infinite horizon economyGertler, M; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro
Feb-2012Bargaining and the role of expert agents: An empirical study of final-offer arbitrationAshenfelter, Orley; Dahl, Gordon B.
Apr-2012Comparing Real Wage RatesAshenfelter, Orley
May-2017China's Gradualistic Economic Approach and Financial MarketsBrunnermeier, Markus K.; Sockin, Michael; Xiong, Wei