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Cerebellar involvement in an evidence-accumulation decision-making task

Author(s): Deverett, Ben; Koay, Sue Ann; Oostland, Marlies; Wang, Samuel S-H

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Abstract: To make successful evidence-based decisions, the brain must rapidly and accurately transform sensory inputs into specific goal-directed behaviors. Most experimental work on this subject has focused on forebrain mechanisms. Using a novel evidence-accumulation task for mice, we performed recording and perturbation studies of crus I of the lateral posterior cerebellum, which communicates bidirectionally with numerous forebrain regions. Cerebellar inactivation led to a reduction in the fraction of correct trials. Using two-photon fluorescence imaging of calcium, we found that Purkinje cell somatic activity contained choice/evidence-related information. Decision errors were represented by dendritic calcium spikes, which in other contexts are known to drive cerebellar plasticity. We propose that cerebellar circuitry may contribute to computations that support accurate performance in this perceptual decision-making task.
Publication Date: 13-Aug-2018
Citation: Deverett, Ben, Koay, Sue Ann, Oostland, Marlies, Wang, Samuel S-H. Cerebellar involvement in an evidence-accumulation decision-making task. Elife, 7, doi:10.7554/eLife.36781
DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.36781
ISSN: 2050-084X
Pages: e36781 - e36781
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: eLife
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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