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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2014Probabilistic 21st and 22nd century sea-level projections at a global network of tide-gauge sitesKopp, Robert E.; Horton, Radley M.; Little, Christopher M.; Mitrovica, Jerry X.; Oppenheimer, Michael, et al
1-Dec-2017Evolving Understanding of Antarctic Ice-Sheet Physics and Ambiguity in Probabilistic Sea-Level ProjectionsKopp, Robert E.; DeConto, Robert M.; Bader, Daniel A.; Hay, Carling C.; Horton, Radley M., et al
Mar-2017Climate variability and migration in the PhilippinesBohra-Mishra, Pratikshya; Oppenheimer, Michael; Cai, Ruohong; Feng, Shuaizhang; Licker, Rachel
1-Mar-2018Interactions between urban heat islands and heat wavesZhao, Lei; Oppenheimer, Michael; Zhu, Qing; Baldwin, Jane W.; Ebi, Kristie L., et al
Aug-2016Allowances for evolving coastal flood risk under uncertain local sea-level riseBuchanan, Maya K.; Kopp, Robert E.; Oppenheimer, Michael; Tebaldi, Claudia
8-Sep-2016Paris: Beyond the Climate Dead End through Pledge and Review?Keohane, Robert O.; Oppenheimer, Michael
Aug-2013Measles elimination: progress, challenges and implications for rubella controlCutts, Felicity T.; Lessler, Justin; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Mar-2015Six challenges in the eradication of infectious diseasesKlepac, Petra; Funk, Sebastian; Hollingsworth, T. Deirdre; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Hampson, Katie
Mar-2015Six challenges in modelling for public health policyMetcalf, C. Jessica E.; Edmunds, W.J.; Lessler, J.
Feb-2015Modeling the Influence of Genetic and Environmental Variation on the Expression of Plant Life Cycles across LandscapesBurghardt, Liana T.; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Wilczek, Amity M.; Schmitt, Johanna; Donohue, Kathleen