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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2012The Innuendo Effect: Hearing the Positive but Inferring the NegativeKervyn, Nicolas; Bergsieker, Hilary B.; Fiske, Susan T.
Sep-2017Prejudices in Cultural Contexts: Shared Stereotypes (Gender, Age) versus Variable Stereotypes (Race, Ethnicity, Religion)Fiske, Susan T.
Sep-2013Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and schadenfreudeCikara, Mina; Fiske, Susan T.
7-Jun-2017Amplification of flood frequencies with local sea level rise and emerging flood regimesBuchanan, Maya K.; Oppenheimer, Michael; Kopp, Robert E.
31-May-2013Empirically calibrating damage functions and considering stochasticity when integrated assessment models are used as decision toolsKopp, Robert E.; Hsiang, Solomon M.; Oppenheimer, Michael
Jun-2012Stereotyping by Omission: Eliminate the Negative, Accentuate the Positive.Bergsieker, Hilary B.; Leslie, Lisa M.; Constantine, Vanessa S.; Fiske, Susan T.
May-2016Warmth and Competence in AnimalsSevillano, VerĂ³nica; Fiske, Susan T.
Feb-2012Warmth and Competence: Stereotype Content Issues for Clinicians and Researchers.Fiske, Susan T.
Sep-2013Warmth Trumps Competence in Evaluations of Both Ingroup and OutgroupHack, Tay; Goodwin, Stephanie A.; Fiske, Susan T.
24-Jun-2013Towards the endgame and beyond: complexities and challenges for the elimination of infectious diseasesKlepac, Petra; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; McLean, Angela R.; Hampson, Katie