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Measurement of the ion fraction and mobility of 218Po produced in 222Rn decays in liquid argon

Author(s): Agnes, P; Albuquerque, IFM; Alexander, T; Alton, AK; Ave, M; et al

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Abstract: We report measurements of the charged daughter fraction of 218Po as a result of the 222Rn alpha decay, and the mobility of 218Po+ ions, using radon-polonium coincidences from the 238U chain identified in 532 live-days of DarkSide-50 WIMP-search data. The fraction of 218Po that is charged is found to be 0.37 ± 0.03 and the mobility of 218Po+ is (8.6 ± 0.1) × 10−4 cm2 Vs .
Publication Date: 14-Nov-2019
Electronic Publication Date: 14-Nov-2019
Citation: Agnes, P, Albuquerque, IFM, Alexander, T, Alton, AK, Ave, M, Back, HO, Batignani, G, Biery, K, Bocci, V, Bonfini, G, Bonivento, WM, Bottino, B, Bussino, S, Cadeddu, M, Cadoni, M, Calaprice, F, Caminata, A, Canci, N, Candela, A, Caravati, M, Cariello, M, Carlini, M, Carpinelli, M, Catalanotti, S, Cataudella, V, Cavalcante, P, Cavuoti, S, Chepurnov, A, Cicalò, C, Cocco, AG, Covone, G, D'Angelo, D, Davini, S, Candia, A De, Cecco, S De, Deo, M De, Filippis, G De, Rosa, G De, Derbin, AV, Devoto, A, Eusanio, F Di, D'Incecco, M, Pietro, G Di, Dionisi, C, Downing, M, D'Urso, D, Edkins, E, Empl, A, Fiorillo, G, Fomenko, K, Franco, D, Gabriele, F, Galbiati, C, Ghiano, C, Giagu, S, Giganti, C, Giovanetti, GK, Gorchakov, O, Goretti, AM, Granato, F, Grobov, A, Gromov, M, Guan, M, Guardincerri, Y, Gulino, M, Hackett, BR, Herner, K, Hosseini, B, Hughes, D, Humble, P, Hungerford, EV, Ianni, Al, Ianni, An, Ippolito, V, Johnson, TN, Keeter, K, Kendziora, CL, Kochanek, I, Koh, G, Korablev, D, Korga, G, Kubankin, A, Kuss, M, Commara, M La, Lai, M, Li, X, Lissia, M, Longo, G, Machado, AA, Machulin, IN, Mandarano, A, Mapelli, L, Mari, SM, Maricic, J, Martoff, CJ, Messina, A, Meyers, PD, Milincic, R, Monte, A, Morrocchi, M, Muratova, VN, Musico, P, Agasson, A Navrer, Nozdrina, AO, Oleinik, A, Orsini, M, Ortica, F, Pagani, L, Pallavicini, M, Pandola, L, Pantic, E, Paoloni, E, Pelczar, K, Pelliccia, N, Picciau, E, Pocar, A, Pordes, S, Poudel, SS, Qian, H, Ragusa, F, Razeti, M, Razeto, A, Renshaw, AL, Rescigno, M, Riffard, Q, Romani, A, Rossi, B, Rossi, N, Sablone, D, Samoylov, O, Sands, W, Sanfilippo, S, Savarese, C, Schlitzer, B, Segreto, E, Semenov, DA, Shchagin, A, Sheshukov, A, Singh, PN, Skorokhvatov, MD, Smirnov, O, Sotnikov, A, Stanford, C, Stracka, S, Suvorov, Y, Tartaglia, R, Testera, G, Tonazzo, A, Trinchese, P, Unzhakov, EV, Verducci, M, Vishneva, A, Vogelaar, RB, Wada, M, Waldrop, TJ, Wang, H, Wang, Y, Watson, AW, Westerdale, S, Wojcik, MM, Xiang, X, Xiao, X, Yang, C, Ye, Z, Zhu, C, Zuzel, G. (Measurement of the ion fraction and mobility of <sup>218</sup>Po produced in <sup>222</sup>Rn decays in liquid argon. Journal of Instrumentation, 14 (11), P11018 - P11018. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/14/11/p11018
DOI: doi:10.1088/1748-0221/14/11/p11018
EISSN: 1748-0221
Keywords: Dark Matter detectors (WIMPs, axions, etc.); Noble liquid detectors (scintillation, ionization, double-phase); Time projection chambers
Pages: P11018 - P11018
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Instrumentation
Version: Author's manuscript

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