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13-Apr-2013Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Ba3TeCo3P2O14, Pb3TeCo3P2O14, and Pb3TeCo3V2O14 langasitesKrizan, JW; De La Cruz, C; Andersen, NH; Cava, Robert J
2-Aug-2021Crystal structure, magnetic properties and bonding analysis of M3Pt23Ge11 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba and Eu)Gui, Xin; Cava, Robert J
16-Oct-2017Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ba2R2/3TeO6 (R = Y, La, Pr, Nd, Sm-Lu) double perovskitesKong, Tai; Cava, Robert J
29-Apr-2019Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the layered van der Waals compound VB⁢r3Kong, Tai; Guo, Shu; Ni, Danrui; Cava, Robert J
11-Sep-2014Crystal structure and electronic structure of CePt2In7Klimczuk, T; Walter, O; Müchler, L; Krizan, JW; Kinnart, F, et al
14-Sep-2020Cytotoxic alkyl-quinolones mediate surface-induced virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosaVrla, Geoffrey D; Esposito, Mark; Zhang, Chen; Kang, Yibin; Seyedsayamdost, Mohammad R, et al
21-Feb-2016Differences in Chemical Doping Matter: Superconductivity in Ti1–xTaxSe2 but Not in Ti1–xNbxSe2Luo, Huixia; Xie, Weiwei; Tao, Jing; Pletikosic, Ivo; Valla, Tonica, et al
12-Jun-2018Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is transported into mammalian mitochondriaDavila, Antonio; Liu, Ling; Chellappa, Karthikeyani; Redpath, Philip; Nakamaru-Ogiso, Eiko, et al
Apr-2018Local protein solvation drives direct down-conversion in phycobiliprotein PC645 via incoherent vibronic transportBlau, Samuel M; Bennett, Doran IG; Kreisbeck, Christoph; Scholes, Gregory D; Aspuru-Guzik, Alán
10-Dec-2018Defective respiration and one-carbon metabolism contribute to impaired naïve T cell activation in aged miceRon-Harel, Noga; Notarangelo, Giulia; Ghergurovich, Jonathan M; Paulo, Joao A; Sage, Peter T, et al