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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2017Tuning the electronic and the crystalline structure of LaBi by pressure: From extreme magnetoresistance to superconductivityTafti, Fazel Fallah; Torikachvili, Milton S.; Stillwell, Ryan L.; Baer, Bruce J.; Stavrou, Elissaios, et al
Jun-2016First-principles calculation and experimental investigation of lattice dynamics in the rare-earth pyrochloresRuminy, M.; Valdez, M. Núñez; Wehinger, Björn; Bosak, Alexeï A.; Adroja, Devashibhai T., et al
May-2014Field-induced magnetic transitions in Ca10(Pt3As8)((Fe1 xPtx)2As2)5 compoundsWatson, Matthew D.; McCollam, Alix; Blake, Samuel F.; Vignolles, David; Drigo, Loïc, et al
Mar-2018Isoelectronic substitutions and aluminium alloying in the Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy superconductorVon Rohr, Fabian O.; Cava, Robert Joseph
Dec-2018Field-induced spin-liquid-like state in a magnetic honeycomb latticeZhong, Ruidan; Chung, Mimi; Kong, Tai; Nguyen, Loi Thuan; Lei, Shiming, et al
May-2012Large magnetic penetration depth and thermal fluctuations in a superconducting Ca (Pt As )[(Fe Pt ) As ] ( ) single crystalKim, Jeehoon; Ronning, Filip; Haberkorn, N.; Civale, Leonardo; Nazaretski, E., et al
Sep-2014Lattice distortion and stripelike antiferromagnetic order in Ca10 (Pt3As8)(Fe2As2) 5Sapkota, Aashish; Tucker, Gregory S.; Ramazanoglu, Mehmet K.; Tian, Wei; Ni, Ni, et al
Apr-2014Hierarchy of Bound States in the One-Dimensional Ferromagnetic Ising Chain Investigated by High-Resolution Time-Domain Terahertz SpectroscopyMorris, Christopher M.; Valdés Aguilar, Aguilar, R.; Ghosh, Anirban; Koohpayeh, Seyed Mojtaba; Krizan, Jason W., et al
5-Dec-2011Genomes and Virulence Factors of Novel Bacterial Pathogens Causing Bleaching Disease in the Marine Red Alga Delisea pulchraFernandes, Neil; Case, Rebecca J.; Longford, Sharon R.; Seyedsayamdost, Mohammad R.; Steinberg, Peter D., et al
16-Oct-2014A Cellular Automaton Model for Tumor Dormancy: Emergence of a Proliferative SwitchChen, Duyu; Jiao, Yang; Torquato, Salvatore