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Realization of a Fermi-Hubbard Optical Tweezer Array

Author(s): Spar, Benjamin M; Guardado-Sanchez, Elmer; Chi, Sungjae; Yan, Zoe Z; Bakr, Waseem S

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Abstract: We use lithium-6 atoms in an optical tweezer array to realize an eight-site Fermi-Hubbard chain near half filling. We achieve single site detection by combining the tweezer array with a quantum gas microscope. By reducing disorder in the energy offsets to less than the tunneling energy, we observe Mott insulators with strong antiferromagnetic correlations. The measured spin correlations allow us to put an upper bound on the entropy of 0.26ð4Þk B per atom, comparable to the lowest entropies achieved with optical lattices. Additionally, we establish the flexibility of the tweezer platform by initializing atoms on one tweezer and observing tunneling dynamics across the array for uniform and staggered 1D geometries.
Publication Date: 1-Jun-2022
Electronic Publication Date: 1-Jun-2022
Citation: Spar, Benjamin M, Guardado-Sanchez, Elmer, Chi, Sungjae, Yan, Zoe Z, Bakr, Waseem S. (Realization of a Fermi-Hubbard Optical Tweezer Array. Physical Review Letters, 128 (22), 10.1103/physrevlett.128.223202
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevlett.128.223202
ISSN: 0031-9007
EISSN: 1079-7114
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Letters
Version: Author's manuscript

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