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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2015Ab initio multimode linewidth theory for arbitrary inhomogeneous laser cavitiesPick, A; Cerjan, A; Liu, D; Rodriguez, Alejandro W; Stone, AD, et al
2020Mechanical relations between conductive and radiative heat transferVenkataram, PS; Messina, R; Cuevas, JC; Ben-Abdallah, P; Rodriguez, Alejandro W
2014High-efficiency degenerate four-wave mixing in triply resonant nanobeam cavitiesLin, Z; Alcorn, T; Loncar, M; Johnson, SG; Rodriguez, Alejandro W
2018Hybrid perovskite light emitting diodes under intense electrical excitationKim, H; Zhao, L; Price, JS; Grede, AJ; Roh, K, et al
2018Phonon-Polariton Mediated Thermal Radiation and Heat Transfer among Molecules and Macroscopic Bodies: Nonlocal Electromagnetic Response at Mesoscopic ScalesVenkataram, PS; Hermann, J; Tkatchenko, A; Rodriguez, Alejandro W
2018Topology-optimized dual-polarization Dirac conesLin, Z; Christakis, L; Li, Y; Mazur, E; Rodriguez, Alejandro W, et al
2018Topology-Optimized Multilayered MetaopticsLin, Z; Groever, B; Capasso, F; Rodriguez, Alejandro W; LonĨar, M
Dec-2016Geometric Resonance of Composite Fermions near Bilayer Quantum Hall StatesMueed, MA; Kamburov, D; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; Baldwin, KW, et al
Apr-2015Composite Fermions with a Warped Fermi ContourMueed, MA; Kamburov, D; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
Dec-2014Determination of Fermi contour and spin polarization of composite fermions via ballistic commensurability measurementsKamburov, D; Mueed, MA; Jo, I; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour, et al