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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
23-Jul-2014An Upper Bound on the Convergence Time for Quantized Consensus of Arbitrary Static GraphsShang, Shang; Cuff, Paul; Hui, Pan; Kulkarni, Sanjeev
Apr-2022SHARP: Shielding-Aware Robust Planning for Safe and Efficient Human-Robot InteractionHu, Haimin; Nakamura, Kensuke; Fisac, Jaime F
19-Mar-2021New material platform for superconducting transmon qubits with coherence times exceeding 0.3 millisecondsPlace, Alexander PM; Rodgers, Lila VH; Mundada, Pranav; Smitham, Basil M; Fitzpatrick, Mattias, et al
2018Communication-computation efficient gradient codingYe, M; Abbe, Emmanuel
2014A new entropy power inequality for integer-valued random variablesHaghighatshoar, S; Abbe, Emmanuel; Telatar, IE
2016Exact recovery in the stochastic block modelAbbe, Emmanuel; Bandeira, AS; Hall, G
-Microscopic relaxation channels in materials for superconducting qubitsPremkumar, Anjali; Weiland, Conan; Hwang, Sooyeon; Jäck, Berthold; Place, Alexander PM, et al
2015Polar Coding for Secret-Key GenerationChou, RA; Bloch, MR; Abbe, Emmanuel
-Moving beyond the Transmon: Noise-Protected Superconducting Quantum CircuitsGyenis, András; Di Paolo, Agustin; Koch, Jens; Blais, Alexandre; Houck, Andrew A, et al
18-Apr-2017On the Minimax Capacity Loss under Sub-Nyquist Universal SamplingChen, Y; Goldsmith, AJ; Eldar, YC