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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2013Dimension expansion and customized spring potentials for sensor localizationYu, Jieqi; Kulkarni, Sanjeev R; Poor, H Vincent
27-Jan-2021Convergence of Update Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Learning at the Wireless EdgeAmiri, Mohammad Mohammadi; Gunduz, Deniz; Kulkarni, Sanjeev R; Poor, H Vincent
6-Feb-2023Probing itinerant carrier dynamics at the diamond surface using single nitrogen vacancy centersMahdia, Marjana; Allred, James; Yuan, Zhiyang; Rovny, Jared; de Leon, Nathalie P
30-May-2018Smart HealthcareYin, Hongxu; Akmandor, Ayten Ozge; Mosenia, Arsalan; Jha, Niraj K; Raclet, Jean-Baptiste, et al
15-Sep-2017PinMe: Tracking a Smartphone User Around the WorldMosenia, Arsalan; Dai, Xiaoliang; Mittal, Prateek; Jha, Niraj K
11-Jan-2021SHARKS: Smart Hacking Approaches for RisK Scanning in Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical Systems based on Machine learningSaha, Tanujay; Aaraj, Najwa; Ajjarapu, Neel; Jha, Niraj K
2-Feb-2022Machine Learning Assisted Security Analysis of 5G-Network-Connected SystemsSaha, Tanujay; Aaraj, Najwa; Jha, Niraj K
25-May-2021GRAVITAS: Graphical Reticulated Attack Vectors for Internet-of-Things Aggregate SecurityBrown, Jacob; Saha, Tanujay; Jha, Niraj K
31-May-2022TUTOR: Training Neural Networks Using Decision Rules as Model PriorsHassantabar, Shayan; Terway, Prerit; Jha, Niraj K
19-Oct-2021Fast Design Space Exploration of Nonlinear Systems: Part INarain, Sanjai; Mak, Emily; Chee, Dana; Englot, Brendan; Pochiraju, Kishore, et al