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Evidence for Z(c)(+/-)(3900) in semi-inclusive decays of b-flavored hadrons

Author(s): Abazov, VM; Abbott, B; Acharya, BS; Adams, M; Adams, T; et al

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Abstract: We present evidence for the exotic charged charmoniumlike state Z(c)(+/-)(3900) decaying to J/psi pi(+/-) in semi-inclusive weak decays of b-flavored hadrons. The signal is correlated with a parent J/psi pi(+)pi(-) system in the invariant-mass range 4.2-4.7 GeV that would include the exotic structure Y(4260). The study is based on 10.4 fb(-1) of p (p) over bar collision data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider.
Publication Date: 1-Sep-2018
Electronic Publication Date: 28-Sep-2018
Citation: Abazov, VM, Abbott, B, Acharya, BS, Adams, M, Adams, T, Agnew, JP, Alexeev, GD, Alkhazov, G, Alton, A, Askew, A, Atkins, S, Augsten, K, Aushev, V, Aushev, Y, Avila, C, Badaud, F, Bagby, L, Baldin, B, Bandurin, D, Banerjee, S, Barberis, E, Baringer, P, Bartlett, JF, Bassler, U, Bazterra, V, Bean, A, Begalli, M, Bellantoni, L, Beri, SB, Bernardi, G, Bernhard, R, Bertram, I, Besancon, M, Beuselinck, R, Bhat, PC, Bhatia, S, Bhatnagar, V, Blazey, G, Blessing, S, Bloom, K, Boehnlein, A, Boline, D, Boos, EE, Borissov, G, Borysova, M, Brandt, A, Brandt, O, Brochmann, M, Brock, R, Bross, A, Brown, D, Bu, XB, Buehler, M, Buescher, V, Bunichev, V, Burdin, S, Buszello, CP, Camacho-Perez, E, Casey, BCK, Castilla-Valdez, H, Caughron, S, Chakrabarti, S, Chan, KM, Chandra, A, Chapon, E, Chen, G, Cho, SW, Choi, S, Choudhary, B, Cihangir, S, Claes, D, Clutter, J, Cooke, M, Cooper, WE, Corcoran, M, Couderc, F, Cousinou, M-C, Cuth, J, Cutts, D, Das, A, Davies, G, de Jong, SJ, De La Cruz-Burelo, E, Deliot, F, Demina, R, Denisov, D, Denisov, SP, Desai, S, Deterre, C, DeVaughan, K, Diehl, HT, Diesburg, M, Ding, PF, Dominguez, A, Drutskoy, A, Dubey, A, Dudko, L, Duperrin, A, Dutt, S, Eads, M, Edmunds, D, Ellison, J, Elvira, VD, Enari, Y, Evans, H, Evdokimov, A, Evdokimov, VN, Faure, A, Feng, L, Ferbel, T, Fiedler, F, Filthaut, F, Fisher, W, Fisk, HE, Fortner, M, Fox, H, Franc, J, Fuess, S, Garbincius, PH, Garcia-Bellido, A, Garcia-Gonzalez, JA, Gavrilov, V, Geng, W, Gerber, CE, Gershtein, Y, Ginther, G, Gogota, O, Golovanov, G, Grannis, PD, Greder, S, Greenlee, H, Grenier, G, Gris, Ph, Grivaz, J-F, Grohsjean, A, Grunendahl, S, Grunewald, MW, Guillemin, T, Gutierrez, G, Gutierrez, P, Haley, J, Han, L, Harder, K, Harel, A, Hauptman, JM, Hays, J, Head, T, Hebbeker, T, Hedin, D, Hegab, H, Heinson, AP, Heintz, U, Hensel, C, Heredia-De La Cruz, I, Herner, K, Hesketh, G, Hildreth, MD, Hirosky, R, Hoang, T, Hobbs, JD, Hoeneisen, B, Hogan, J, Hohlfeld, M, Holzbauer, JL, Howley, I, Hubacek, Z, Hynek, V, Iashvili, I, Ilchenko, Y, Illingworth, R, Ito, AS, Jabeen, S, Jaffre, M, Jayasinghe, A, Jeong, MS, Jesik, R, Jiang, P, Johns, K, Johnson, E, Johnson, M, Jonckheere, A, Jonsson, P, Joshi, J, Jung, AW, Juste, A, Kajfasz, E, Karmanov, D, Katsanos, I, Kaur, M, Kehoe, R, Kermiche, S, Khalatyan, N, Khanov, A, Kharchilava, A, Kharzheev, YN, Kiselevich, I, Kohli, JM, Kozelov, A, Kraus, J, Kumar, A, Kupco, A, Kurca, T, Kuzmin, VA, Lammers, S, Lebrun, P, Lee, HS, Lee, SW, Lee, WM, Lei, X, Lellouch, J, Li, D, Li, H, Li, L, Li, QZ, Lim, JK, Lincoln, D, Linnemann, J, Lipaev, VV, Lipton, R, Liu, H, Liu, Y, Lobodenko, A, Lokajicek, M, de Sa, R Lopes, Luna-Garcia, R, Lyon, AL, Maciel, AKA, Madar, R, Magana-Villalba, R, Malik, S, Malyshev, VL, Mansour, J, Martinez-Ortega, J, McCarthy, R, McGivern, CL, Meijer, MM, Melnitchouk, A, Menezes, D, Mercadante, PG, Merkin, M, Meyer, A, Meyer, J, Miconi, F, Mondal, NK, Mulhearn, M, Nagy, E, Narain, M, Nayyar, R, Neal, HA, Negret, JP, Neustroev, P, Nguyen, HT, Nunnemann, T, Orduna, J, Osman, N, Pal, A, Parashar, N, Parihar, V, Park, SK, Partridge, R, Parua, N, Patwa, A, Penning, B, Perfilov, M, Peters, Y, Petridis, K, Petrillo, G, Petroff, P, Pleier, M-A, Podstavkov, VM, Popov, A, Prewitt, M, Price, D, Prokopenko, N, Qian, J, Quadt, A, Quinn, B, Ratoff, PN, Razumov, I, Ripp-Baudot, I, Rizatdinova, F, Rominsky, M, Ross, A, Royon, C, Rubinov, P, Ruchti, R, Sajot, G, Sanchez-Hernandez, A, Sanders, MP, Santos, AS, Savage, G, Savitskyi, M, Sawyer, L, Scanlon, T, Schamberger, RD, Scheglov, Y, Schellman, H, Schott, M, Schwanenberger, C, Schwienhorst, R, Sekaric, J, Severini, H, Shabalina, E, Shary, V, Shaw, S, Shchukin, AA, Shkola, O, Simak, V, Skubic, P, Slattery, P, Snow, GR, Snow, J, Snyder, S, Soldner-Rembold, S, Sonnenschein, L, Soustruznik, K, Stark, J, Stefaniuk, N, Stoyanova, DA, Strauss, M, Suter, L, Svoisky, P, Titov, M, Tokmenin, VV, Tsai, Y-T, Tsybychev, D, Tuchming, B, Tully, C, Uvarov, L, Uvarov, S, Uzunyan, S, Van Kooten, R, van Leeuwen, WM, Varelas, N, Varnes, EW, Vasilyev, IA, Verkheev, AY, Vertogradov, LS, Verzocchi, M, Vesterinen, M, Vilanova, D, Vokac, P, Wahl, HD, Wang, MHLS, Warchol, J, Watts, G, Wayne, M, Weichert, J, Welty-Rieger, L, Williams, MRJ, Wilson, GW, Wobisch, M, Wood, DR, Wyatt, TR, Xie, Y, Yamada, R, Yang, S, Yasuda, T, Yatsunenko, YA, Ye, W, Ye, Z, Yin, H, Yip, K, Youn, SW, Yu, JM, Zennamo, J, Zhao, TG, Zhou, B, Zhu, J, Zielinski, M, Zieminska, D, Zivkovic, L, Collaboration, D0. (2018). Evidence for Z(c)(+/-)(3900) in semi-inclusive decays of b-flavored hadrons. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 98 (10.1103/PhysRevD.98.052010
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.052010
ISSN: 2470-0010
EISSN: 2470-0029
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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