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Data compression in cosmology: A compressed likelihood for Planck data

Author(s): Prince, Heather; Dunkley, Jo

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Abstract: We apply the massively optimized parameter estimation and data compression technique (MOPED) to the public Planck 2015 temperature likelihood, reducing the dimensions of the data space to one number per parameter of interest. We present CosMOPED, a lightweight and convenient compressed likelihood code implemented in PYTHON . In doing so we show that the l < 30 Planck temperature likelihood can be well approximated by two Gaussian-distributed data points, which allows us to replace the map-based low- l temperature likelihood by a simple Gaussian likelihood. We make available a PYTHON implementation of Planck’s 2015 Plik_lite temperature likelihood that includes these low-l binned temperature data (Planck- lite-py). We do not explicitly use the large-scale polarization data in CosMOPED, instead imposing a prior on the optical depth to reionization derived from these data. We show that the ΛCDM parameters recovered with CosMOPED are consistent with the uncompressed likelihood to within 0.1σ, and test that a 7-parameter extended model performs similarly well.
Publication Date: 1-Oct-2019
Electronic Publication Date: 1-Oct-2019
Citation: Prince, Heather, Dunkley, Jo. (Data compression in cosmology: A compressed likelihood for <i>Planck</i> data. Physical Review D, 100 (8), 10.1103/physrevd.100.083502
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevd.100.083502
ISSN: 2470-0010
EISSN: 2470-0029
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review D
Version: Author's manuscript

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