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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
7-Dec-2021Identification of the cosmogenic 11 C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with BorexinoAgostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z, et al
13-Dec-2020Design and pre-flight performance of SPIDER 280 GHz receiversShaw, EC; Ade, PAR; Akers, S; Amiri, M; Austermann, JE, et al
13-Dec-2021Direct comparison of PEN and TPB wavelength shifters in a liquid argon detectorBoulay, MG; Camillo, V; Canci, N; Choudhary, S; Consiglio, L, et al
-Spike behavior in the approach to spacetime singularitiesGarfinkle, David; Pretorius, Frans
1-Nov-2022The Recoil Directionality (ReD) ExperimentSanfilippo, S; Agnes, P; Albergo, S; Albuquerque, I; Arba, M, et al
25-May-2022Very large SiPM arrays with aggregated outputRazeto, A; Acerbi, F; Camillo, V; Carlini, M; Consiglio, L, et al
18-Nov-2021Performance of the ReD TPC, a novel double-phase LAr detector with silicon photomultiplier readoutAgnes, P; Albergo, S; Albuquerque, I; Arba, M; Ave, M, et al
-Second-order perturbations of Kerr black holes: Formalism and reconstruction of the first-order metricLoutrel, Nicholas; Ripley, Justin L; Giorgi, Elena; Pretorius, Frans
31-Mar-2022Search for low-energy signals from fast radio bursts with the Borexino detectorAppel, S; Bagdasarian, Z; Basilico, D; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B., et al
23-Mar-2022A study of events with photoelectric emission in the DarkSide-50 liquid argon Time Projection ChamberAgnes, P; Albuquerque, IFM; Alexander, T; Alton, AK; Ave, M, et al