Browsing by Author Morganson, Eric
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
20-Feb-2017 | Detection of Time Lags between Quasar Continuum Emission Bands Based On Pan-STARRS Light Curves | Jiang, Yan-Fei; Green, Paul J; Greene, Jenny E.; Morganson, Eric; Shen, Yue; et al |
20-Jul-2015 | THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH DATA RELEASES OF THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FINAL DATA FROM SDSS-III | Alam, Shadab; Albareti, Franco D; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anders, F; Anderson, Scott F; et al |
11-Jan-2016 | Now you see it, now you don’t: the disappearing central engine of the quasar J1011+5442 | Runnoe, Jessie C; Cales, Sabrina; Ruan, John J; Eracleous, Michael; Anderson, Scott F; et al |
Jan-2018 | The Time-domain Spectroscopic Survey: Target Selection for Repeat Spectroscopy | MacLeod, Chelsea L; Green, Paul J; Anderson, Scott F; Eracleous, Michael; Ruan, John J; et al |
1-Aug-2016 | TOWARD AN UNDERSTANDING OF CHANGING-LOOK QUASARS: AN ARCHIVAL SPECTROSCOPIC SEARCH IN SDSS | Ruan, John J; Anderson, Scott F; Cales, Sabrina L; Eracleous, Michael; Green, Paul J; et al |