Browsing by Author Miller, Earl K.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
Nov-2011 | Comparison of Primate Prefrontal and Premotor Cortex Neuronal Activity during Visual Categorization | Cromer, Jason A.; Roy, Jefferson E.; Buschman, Timothy J.; Miller, Earl K. |
Apr-2013 | Cortical Circuits for the Control of Attention | Miller, Earl K.; Buschman, Timothy J. |
Apr-2016 | Gamma and beta bursts underlie working memory | Lundqvist, Mikael; Rose, Jonas; Herman, Pawel; Brincat, Scott L.; Buschman, Timothy J.; et al |
Jun-2014 | PFC Neurons Reflect Categorical Decisions about Ambiguous Stimuli | Roy, Jefferson E.; Buschman, Timothy J.; Miller, Earl K. |
Nov-2012 | Synchronous Oscillatory Neural Ensembles for Rules in the Prefrontal Cortex | Buschman, Timothy J.; Denovellis, Eric L.; Diogo, Cinira; Bullock, Daniel; Miller, Earl K. |
Jan-2015 | Working Memory Capacity: Limits on the Bandwidth of Cognition | Miller, Earl K.; Buschman, Timothy J. |