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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2016Accidental symmetries and the conformal bootstrapChester, Shai M; Giombi, Simone; Iliesiu, Luca V; Klebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S; et al
Oct-2013AdS description of induced higher-spin gauge theoryGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
21-Nov-2017Bosonic tensor models at large N and small ϵGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
1-Apr-2016Conformal QED(d), F-theorem and the epsilon expansionGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
Apr-2013A crack in the conformal windowSafdi, Benjamin R; Klebanov, Igor R; Lee, Jeongseog
10-Feb-2022Critical Field Theories with OSp(1|2M ) SymmetryKlebanov, Igor R
15-Jul-2014Critical O(N) models in 6-epsilon dimensionsFei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R
Sep-2015Critical Sp(N) models in 6-epsilon dimensions and higher spin dS/CFTFei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
May-2012Entanglement entropy of 3-d conformal gauge theories with many flavorsKlebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S; Sachdev, Subir; Safdi, Benjamin R
12-Oct-2021Exact symmetries and threshold states in two-dimensional models for QCDDempsey, Ross; Klebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S
Oct-2011F-theorem without supersymmetryKlebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R
Dec-2015Generalized F-theorem and the epsilon expansionFei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
15-Apr-2014Higher spin AdS(d+1)/CFTd at one loopGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Safdi, Benjamin R
Mar-2015Interpolating between a and FGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R
Oct-2012Is renormalized entanglement entropy stationary at RG fixed points?Klebanov, Igor R; Nishioka, Tatsuma; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R
7-Oct-2019Majorana fermion quantum mechanics for higher rank tensorsKlebanov, Igor R; Pallegar, Preethi N; Popov, Fedor K
Aug-2016On C-J and C-T in conformal QEDGiombi, Simone; Tarnopolsky, Grigory; Klebanov, Igor R
7-Oct-2016On C-J and C-T in the Gross-Neveu and O(N) modelsDiab, Kenan S; Fei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
Oct-2017On large N limit of symmetric traceless tensor modelsKlebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
Jul-2012On shape dependence and RG flow of entanglement entropyKlebanov, Igor R; Nishioka, Tatsuma; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R