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Browsing by Author Fosalba, P

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
21-Jun-2022Cross-correlation of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 lensing data with ACT and Planck thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect observations. I. Measurements, systematics tests, and feedback model constraintsGatti, M; Pandey, S; Baxter, E; Hill, JC; Moser, E; et al
Oct-2018DES science portal: Computing photometric redshiftsGschwend, J; Rossel, AC; Ogando, RLC; Neto, AF; Maia, MAG; et al
Jul-2018DES science portal: Creating science-ready catalogsFausti Neto, A; da Costa, LN; Carnero, A; Gschwend, J; Ogando, RLC; et al
Jun-2020A joint SZ-X-ray-optical analysis of the dynamical state of 288 massive galaxy clustersZenteno, A; Hernandez-Lang, D; Klein, M; Cervantes, C Vergara; Hollowood, DL; et al
20-Jul-2016LOCALIZATION AND BROADBAND FOLLOW-UP OF THE GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE TRANSIENT GW 150914Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Abbott, TD; Abernathy, MR; Acernese, F; et al
24-May-2019Measurement of the splashback feature around SZ-selected Galaxy clusters with DES, SPT, and ACTShin, T; Adhikari, S; Baxter, EJ; Chang, C; Jain, B; et al
Jun-2020STRIDES: a 3.9 per cent measurement of the Hubble constant from the strong lens system DES J0408-5354Shajib, AJ; Birrer, S; Treu, T; Agnello, A; Buckley-Geer, EJ; et al
Jul-2020Supernova host galaxies in the dark energy survey: I. Deep coadds, photometry, and stellar massesWiseman, P; Smith, M; Childress, M; Kelsey, L; Moller, A; et al