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Showing results 41 to 60 of 77 < previous   next >
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2013Interest in over-the-counter access to oral contraceptives among women in the United StatesGrossman, D.; Grindlay, K.; Li, R.; Potter, J.E.; Trussell, James; et al
2014The IUB (Intrauterine Ball), a Newly Invented IUD: a Brief ReportBaram, I.; Trussell, James
2014The IUB, a newly invented IUD: a brief reportBaram, I.; Weinstein, A.; Trussell, James
2015Lessons from the Contraceptive CHOICE Project: The Hull LARC InitiativeTrussell, James; Guthrie, K.
2014Lessons from the Contraceptive CHOICE Project: The Hull LARC InitiativeTrussell, James; Guthrie, K.
2012Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention: Clinical Practices and Attitudes Among Healthcare Providers in South Africa and ZimbabweSheldon, Wendy R.; Nhemachena, T.; Blanchard, K.; Chipato, T.; Ramjee, G.; et al
2014Medicaid Policy on Sterilization — Anachronistic or Still Relevant?Borrero, S.; Zite, N.; Potter, J.E.; Trussell, James
May-2014Medicaid policy on sterilization: Anachronistic or still relevant?Borrero, Sonya; Zite, Nikki; Potter, Joseph E; Trussell, James
2018Modeling the impact of novel male contraceptive methods on reductions in unintended pregnancies in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United StatesDorman, E.; Perry, B.; Polis, C.B.; Campo-Engelstein, L.; Shattuck, D.; et al
2012Patterns and Correlates of Parental and Formal Sexual and Reproductive Health Communication for Adolescent Women in the United States, 2002-2008Hall, Kelli S.; Moreau, Caroline; Trussell, James
2017Perfect-use and typical-use Pearl Index of a contraceptive mobile appScherwitzl, E.B.; Lundberg, O.; Kallner, H.K.; Danielsson, K.G.; Trussell, James; et al
2013Potential unintended pregnancies averted and cost savings associated with a revised Medicaid sterilization policyBorrero, S.; Zite, N.; Potter, J.E.; Trussell, James; Smith, K.
2012Progestin-only contraceptive pill use among women in the United StatesHall, Kelli S.; Trussell, James; Schwarz, E.B.
2016Progestin-only contraceptives: effects on weightLopez, L.M.; Ramesh, S.; Chen, M.; Edelman, A.; Otterness, C.; et al
2013Progestin-only contraceptives: effects on weightLopez, L.M.; Edelman, A.; Chen, M.; Otterness, C.; Trussell, James; et al
2009Rates of Serious Infection after Changes in Regimens for Medical AbortionFjerstad, M.; Trussell, James; Sivin, I.; Lichtenberg, E.S.; Cullins, V.
2014Recent advances in contraceptionAiken, Abigail; Trussell, James
2014Reduction in infection-related mortality since modifications in the regimen of medical abortionTrussell, James; Nucatola, D.; Fjerstad, M.; Lichtenberg, E.S.
2013Religiosity, religious affiliation, and patterns of sexual activity and contraceptive use in FranceMoreau, Caroline; Trussell, James; Bajos, N.
2016Requests for Abortion in Latin America Related to Concern about Zika Virus ExposureAiken, Abigail; Scott, J.G.; Gomperts, R.; Trussell, James; Worrell, M.; et al